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If photo or file sizes are too large to upload
please send them over via email or send
us a Dropbox link to:

Please include your name so we can
match your photos to your submission.


1. When sending in photo submissions please send us full sets. We do not want one picture per set or random photos. We want our features to flow and be cohesive, so please send in full sets of photos (5 pictures minimum).
2. Include all credits. Let us know your model name(s), photographer name, and names of all involved who want to receive credit. If you are sending in multiple sets please be clear which credits go to which set. Include their social media and website links as well.
3. Photos must be exclusive to us. Please do not send in sets that have been published online and in other publications.
4. Nudity is not allowed. Implied nudity is ok. If your photos contain nudity we will need to censor the images. If images are implied nude a copy of your ID proving you are 18 years of age or older is required.
5. Please make sure all submissions are free of watermarks and logos, this can not be stressed enough! If your photo submissions contain watermarks or logos we will automatically throw out your submission.
6. Photos must be high resolution. This means photos should be 300 ppi minimum.

7. We ask you fill out and send in your interview questions with your submission email along with a short bio or paragraph about yourself. We have some sample questions below but you can also create your own questions to answer if you wish. You are not required to fill out all of these questions but the more you send us the better your chances of getting a feature.


Tattoo artists:

1. Please send 2-3 photos of yourself and 5+ photos of your work, we prefer professional photos. If you do not have professionally taken photos any good quality photos are acceptable. No grainy photos or webcam photos please.
2. Include all credits. We would like to know the name of the shop you work at, names of individuals in your artwork photos (your canvas), and names of photographers (if photographer was used.)
3. Please make sure all photos are free of watermarks and logos, this can not be stressed enough! If your photo submissions contain watermarks or logos we will automatically throw out your submission.

4. We ask you fill out and send in your interview questions with your submission email along with a short bio or paragraph about yourself. We have some sample questions below but you can also create your own questions to answer if you wish. You are not required to fill out all of these questions but the more you send us the better your chances of getting a feature.


- Do not keep submitting the same submission multiple times.
- Do not send an email submission with photos only and no information. Your submission will automatically be declined.
- Do not request a cover, or keep asking if you may have a cover at a later date. Everyone wants to be on the cover, we understand that. But we do not choose covers until all submissions are sent in. We decide as a group which photos will work best for a cover. If you send a submission that is strictly for a cover we will accept it, but your photos will be going against all other submissions for a cover spot.

Click above to download this release form.

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